Satisfaction Guarantee - Try SpeechSchool.TV RISK FREE through your first lesson:

SpeechSchool.TV programs have been proven to work with many different learners and are guaranteed to transform your speech over time. 

We stand by our programs and want to make it easy and risk free for you to try them.  All new subscriptions for first time users come with a full MONEY BACK GUARANTEE during which time we offer a FULL REFUND if not 100% satisfied with our programs - thus providing a free trial period.*

Your feedback is always welcome.  We work hard to make SpeechSchool.TV the best possible English speech training system available.  If you would like to share with us your success stories or talk to us about any other matter please contact us.

*The guarantee period begins from the day you subscribe until delivery of Lesson 2 the following Monday - does not apply when using multi-user licenses, referral codes or self-cancelled PayPal subscriptions.