So you already read, write and speak English to a reasonable level? However, can you be clearly understood and do you make the right impression on your listeners?
Aurelien Gasc was a French engineer who had been working and living in an English speaking country for a number of years. Yet, he always felt that when he was communicating with colleagues and friends he was “that French guy in your face.”
Mr. Gasc joined SpeechSchool.TV, a leading provider of British accent training and online tuition in English speaking. The school helped him to soften his accent and now he is able to speak more easily and clearly with those around him.
Learn how to speak English like a native speaker
The challenge for learners is always to learn to speak the language in a similar way to native speakers so they can be clearly understood and fluency is evident. SpeechSchool.TV teaches English pronunciation and helps achieve clear pronunciation across sentences, focusing on the Standard English accent. While the School recognises that some local accent adds colour, it’s English accent course helps to ensure that such accent does not impede understanding or overpower the clarity of the message.
Should I go for British accent training or American accent training?
The best advice for students is to learn pure Standard English which is essentially without an accent. This is spoken English as found in an Oxford dictionary and contains 50 unique phonetic sounds. For students living and working in America it is very easy to modify the tone and flow of this speech toward an American accent (which has around 44 phonemes).
More information on English speaking and British accent training is available from SpeechSchool.TV, a well recognised provider in online education.